KMH Consulting
Strategy. Research. Design.
We are a consulting firm providing arts, education, and strategy services with a touch of humor and a truckload of experience.
Our mission:
We help organizations large to small build capacity and understanding to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful programs and collaborations with partners and communities. With non-profits, education partners, school districts, and philanthropic organizations, we work at a systems-level to create programs with impact. You know what you want to do. We know how to do it.
Dream it.
Crafting high-impact community-centered programs; taking your work from idea to action.
Understanding the role meaningful program evaluation and research plays in telling your story and building the capacity of your team.
Build it.
Building sustainable programs and teams that work. Period.
Creating deeply engaging work - from partnerships to activities - for powerful, life-changing outcomes that enrich schools and communities.
Grow it.
Supporting school and nonprofit partnerships. From pilot programs to strategic program expansion; from curriculum design to policies and best practices; from launching new programs or refining and expanding existing programming Let’s make it happen. Together.
We create capacity and understandings in the field, highlighting what constitutes quality program design, with access and equity at the forefront.
You know what you want to do.
We know how to do it.
We help you affect change and build community. We understand how to develop sustainable partnerships between schools and nonprofits. We know what’s hard for schools with limited resources. We help you value and manage the role of philanthropic organizations in your program, as you build relationships. We have a clear and longstanding knowledge of the field, moving from goals to objectives with insight, clarity, and focus.
We know the risks.
You’ve got great ideas, let us help you implement them successfully. We’ll work with you to ask the right questions, assess your program design, create meaningful curriculum, and/or build sustainable partnerships. Exploring new ideas in evaluation and research, we’ll work together to make sure your training and processes support your work.
We know the challenges.
Let us help you with field research. We make sure your organization asks the right questions, thoughtfully designs curriculum, and invests in partnerships and training. We integrate evaluation and research as a way to build programs on a solid foundation, ensuring that your programs avoid common pitfalls.
We value the range.
We work with mid to large size organizations restructuring programs and training opportunities. With small and emerging arts organizations, we do short term capacity building work. We know it’s all necessary, from tomorrow’s lesson plan to a 5-year vision plan.
We prioritize leadership.
We work to see teams and partners own their big ideas. We love to build and launch new programs, particularly ones that create equity and opportunity for women and leaders of color. We try new things and build up old ones. We dive deep rather than shallow and we see no point in one-off arts experiences.
What People Are Saying
“Kathryn navigates--be it relationships, systems, seasons, or cycles. She understands how to address multiple variables and situations to move and manipulate them to achieve multiple objectives.”
--Kristen Jacobson, Executive Director, Youth in Arts
“My students are more fluid thinkers because of their work with improvisation and risk taking. Dance differentiates learning in ways I did not envision.”
— Burley Elementary
“I have not only gained insight into the pedagogical teaching of the arts to elementary students, but have also developed as an educator - exploring, adventuring, and risk-taking with the given standards in public school curricula. the students needed the “tools” to participate successfully. This shared language became the foundation for their new learning and the elements of dance became the prior knowledge needed to engage in meta-cognitive thinking processes.”